Final Submission

(Due to not having the right technology/editing software at home during COVID-19 I was not able to apply my final revisions to my magazine project, but here is what I would have done.)

My computer couldn't run the software I needed to be able to make the revisions, also my data for all the parts of the magazine project were on my schools computer. I couldn't access any of the files to be able to load them and revise accordingly. My computer isn't the most efficient and can't run a lot of things, like Photoshop which I needed to run to revise my cover. I tried to find a way to get the files on my computer but in the end nothing worked and I didn't want to restart all my magazine pages from scratch. 

For my cover I would have organized my text a bit more, possibly adding different fonts or more colors to increase my use of space on the cover. Magazines like to use as much space to get their point across as possible, and I would have attempted to do the same. But my cover is close to how it would have looked in the final outcome.

In my contents I would have changed up my background color, possibly to a lighter shade of blue or a pink-ish color as many of my photos share those colors and I would want my magazine to look chromatic, or at least share the same aesthetic. I would have added page numbers to the photos to indicate which article they were from, or change one of the photos so they weren't as similar. My text I would have shifted a bit and tried to balance it out more so that the contents wouldn't be so text heavy. Also the page number needed to be added to the page and possibly a footer with the magazines title and issue number. Organizing my contents would have been my main goal.

I liked the layout of my page but again I would have probably added a footer with the magazines name and issue as well as taking advantage of empty space. I would have possibly arranged my photos differently, like making the top one of the skates a little wider. But overall it would have looked similar to the final outcome.

With this page like page 1 I would add the footer with the magazine title and issue, but also I would have made the top photo smaller as the extra area of the photo seems pointless. I would have made my text a little less to fit more cleanly like the first page. A few revisions but would still look similar to the this in the final outcome


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