3rd Quarter Submission

COVER I revised many things to make the cover more cohesive and like a real magazine cover. Before it felt like there was no text and it was too bare compared to many other magazines similar to it. I took ideas from other magazines and added more articles to fill the front page, they all follow around the silhouette of the figure in the middle bringing attention to that spot as the text flows around it. The different colors added to text stay in the aesthetic of the page, they are mainly blue, black and white so that they match the background. The text and fonts are easy to read and add to the looks of the cover. Some bold words are eye catching and I specially picked words I thought would be the main topics and that would be interesting. The appearance of the cover is much better than my original because I gathered more information from that point to make it more realistically like a magazine. TABLE OF CONTENTS The table of contents was a struggle, revising took a lon...