Project Selection-Film

A Film project would be fun due to the wide variety of possibilities you could do for it. There are many creative ideas you could think up and you have the room to come up with anything you want. It would be even more fun working with a group where you could bond and have fun and just put together many ideas. From the movies we have watched, such as Ferris Bueller's Day Off, it was a comedy and the camera angles helped give a good idea of the character and the address to the audience was clever and gave more to the movie. The many aspects of film such as camera angles, transition, sound, editing is quite impressive and does interest me. To put all those things together to create something that can give people joy, sadness, anger all the emotions. There are also many tools to get desired camera angles or movements. Though I think this project would be fun to try, I do like to work alone so I get things done fast and efficiently without distractions. So if I were to attempt this project by myself it may be a struggle for me, and also stressful. I do have a good eye and i'm creative when it comes to certain things so I could be good with angles and sounds and such. I like taking pictures or videos of things I find beautiful and think outside the box, look at things from a different perspective. I have a few ideas for things if I did do this project, there are a lot of things in film I would like to try also. I'm just anxious that it wouldn't turn out good and who I would get as actors and actresses, i'm also camera shy and I don't think anyone would film for me.


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