Project Selection-Magazine

A magazine is interesting because it has many aspects and complex things that go into it. One page may be a wide variety of things and your eye is drawn in by the many different things to see. I've learned many things within this class about journalism, newspapers, and magazines such as the number of ads on each page and how the fonts and covers are eye-catching. When it comes to magazines its all about who is drawn to it, the target audience of the magazine to be exact, and a cover is very important to that. It may consist of characters, colors, or people that relate to that topic and may have certain fonts and titles that a lot attract the consumer. In the newsroom brought up certain magazines such as gossip and take-down magazines that would attract certain people. Also, for revenue there are many ads, 50% of the page is writing of what the newspaper is about and 50% is ads. I think if I were to do this project i'd be okay with writing and taking photos because i'm shy and awkward and tend to work alone on projects so i'd most likely be doing it all by myself. I have determination so I would work very hard and my attention to detail would come in handy for aesthetics. I also worked with photo-shop and such before so I can add titles and edit photos for the project. But it may be a struggle for me because I have a lot of work and sometimes I feel over whelmed having to write or do so much.


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