Mid-term Submission
Overall I re-worked alot of things from my original plan and added more variety in text and text color. The cover photo is of a low angle wideshot of a figure in a black hoodie and black rollerskates. An all-black outfit adds a bit of mystery and allows the background colors to pop as well as making the main focus the dark figure in front. The rollerskates are showing off one of the topics that will be covered in the magazine and the blue wheels of the skates are a nice touch. The pose is like a restless or wondering look into the unknown and what lies ahead. I made the choice of putting a boarder on my cover to add interest to it. The title 'SOAR' I used bold Elephant font in black to make it stand out, I also made the choice to space out the lettering to make it fill the cover and not be so crammed together. I chose SOAR due to thinking of flying or reaching far away goals and just going out there and just reaching for what you want. The quote-like text under it "Live an exciting Life" is in Perpetua Titling MT font and just adds a bit more to what would be a bland title. For the "Outdoor Activities" article I put on the cover its in Engravers MT font and I made the first part black to give emphasis on the topic and white for what will be explained. For "The joys of four wheels" I used Impact front and again did a black and white but did a pattern of it to add a bit of difference so its not all just one color. I also used cursive for "and where to buy!" in italics as a kind of an attachment to the topic of rollerskates. With "Benefit" I used bold to make the word stand out because one would be gaining from this. The font is Copperplate Gothic Bold and in white while the cursive underneath is black and again, in italics as a kind of add-on.
Table of contents
The table of contents was re-worked alot to make it less complicated and jumbled up. The original layout was messed up a bit and needed much fixing so I made this one much more accurate and improved. The title 'Table of contents' is in Broadway and large to make sure the reader would know this is the focus. Also, the page numbers are also in Broadway text bold to again make it pop so there is no complication. The main sections and pages are in this table of contents and not every page from the magazine is shown there. The main places to find topics are the titles by the Broadway font letters, which are also Broadway font. The articles under the main topics are Impact font and are a bit smaller than the main page numbers. The wideshot photo with the neon green jacket and longboard are to show one of the examples of what will be covered and the green helps the figure to stand out. The photo adds interest and shows what a longboard looks like and trendy clothes of a rider. The next photo is a wideshot of a figure with rollerskates in a pose where the skates are shown and the photo looks rugged and aesthetic. These photos show that these hobbies can be cool or trendy and are rugged and exciting.
Page 1
For my first page I used page 9 'Outdoor Activities and Hobbies' and with the title I used a bold font and also used that font for the article titles like rollerskating, rollerblading, and long boarding. The text within the article is calibri font that is smaller than the titles and such to be able to add more to the article. Under the title there is a kind of topic paragraph before getting into the main article and I have seen this done for many magazine pages. The pictures all have their respective page number labeled on them, as well as a key word for what they are. The first one, rollerskating, is a midshot of a figure in rollerskates with the sunset behind them and I think the picture is pleasing to the eye and continues leading your eye across the whole page. The second picture, rollerblading, is a closeup of a leg with a rollerskate and a leg following behind in anticipation and I think this gives a feeling of readiness and movement. The longboard photo is a wideshot of a person riding a longboard and it shows also a sense of movement.
Page 2
For this page I used page 11 'Rollerskating Introduction' And that was in the same bold font as page 1, along with the titles in the article. The font for the article is calibri font again and I started the beginning with a bold A, due to most magazines putting emphasis on the first letter to draw in the reader. I again put a before paragraph somewhat explaining what will be covered in the article. I used a kind of break line for the explaining paragraph and the rest of the article. The first picture is a wideshot of a rollerskater doing a trick with the skates and it adds excitement and a sense of movement and action. The second photo is a closeup of a pair of rollerskates that look roughed up giving the idea that they have been used and worn and there is an adventure to be had.
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