CCR Question #1 Draft

CCR Question #1 Draft

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

  • In my project I used a few conventions to help convey my topic and message. My genre was outdoors activities/hobbies so I wanted to give clearly show that with my camera shots, fonts, and colors. My cover was a wide-shot of a figure in black standing in the foreground with a bridge and blue sky in the background. I used this shot for the cover because the figure pops with black on the soft background making it stand out and your eye goes to the figure right away. Also, the model is wearing skates representing my outdoors activities. But most importantly, the model is looking forward to somewhere far away, and the bridge projecting forward represents the journey and the longing to go out there and move forward into the unknown. I wanted this to show that the possibilities are endless with the outdoors, there are adventures waiting and a whole world worth exploring and all one has to do is try something new. I did my photo shoot for the magazine in a particular place also, Nathan Benderson Park. I've been many times and skated there myself and its a place where people do outdoors activities constantly, so I thought it would be the perfect place to represent outdoors activities. The park is where people come from any age group and any race to just get in shape by doing and trying different outdoor activities, and thats what my magazine represents, that anyone can try outdoors activities. My models outfit represents this in a way. The model is wearing all black with a hood, the reason behind this is to make them mysterious, no one knows the models age range or race by looking at them. This is to show that anyone can try these outdoor activities, it doesn't matter who you are it only matters that you just try something new. It challenges the idea that only youthful people can do these activities, anyone can do them if they choose to try. My magazine is called SOAR, there is a reason behind this name. I chose it because I thought of how it feels to skate or do any outdoors activity, and all I could think is that it felt like soaring. One feels like they are flying and free, like they can go anywhere and do anything they want. Its the most amazing feeling to try something new and see where it takes you, and just soar to new heights. The font I used for cover title SOAR was mainly supposed to give a relaxed feeling as its not an impact font but instead a kind of flowing and clean font. I went for this kind of font because I wanted people to get that outdoor activities don't have to be rough, they can be peaceful and a way to relax yourself from stress. The title is black mainly to pop with the model from the soft background and catch the readers eye immediately, a small catchphrase is under the title "Live an exciting life" in a smaller black font. This catchphrase implicates there is a new adventure to be found by trying these activities and it could add some excitement into someones life. I think this adds a bit of persuasion too, mainly because everyone wants to have an interesting and exciting life and by me stating that you can live one just by trying adds to their personal interest. My color palette consists of blues, blacks, and whites which are very calming and easy on the eyes. The reason behind these colors was to keep that kind of aesthetic of outdoors activities being able to be a calming thing to do. When I think of outdoors activities I think of rough and intense where everyone is trying to become the best almost like there is a competition. So i'm challenging the convention of outdoor activities having to be like that, it can also be a calming experience for anyone who just wants to go on a journey and just enjoy themselves. My ideas for this magazine were formed by magazines such as SHAPE and OUTSIDE where they give examples of things to do outside to stay fit and the health benefits of doing them. I liked some of the ideas from these, mainly the ones about health and how outdoor activities offer many health benefits. My magazine also focuses on some of the health benefits from picking up an outdoor activity, on my cover there is an article title with "Benefit" in bold and under it in cursive it says to "learn about the health benefits of outdoor activities". Getting in shape is the goal of many people seeking to try outdoor activities, by stating that it is a "benefit" it draws them in as they seek self-interest. I want to represent with my magazine that outdoors activities can be fun and also beneficial to health, also that any age and race can try them. So my representing of social groups would be that my model shows that it doesn't matter who you are, age range or race, you can do these outdoor activities. Also gender, it doesn't matter the gender as outdoor activities are inclusive and can fit both men and women. Outdoors activities can be done by any social class, rich or poor, since the equipment for beginning can range from low to high prices fitting anyone's needs. With my magazine I can represent a wide range of social groups, doesn't mater the person just that they are willing to try something new. The social issues represented would be health. Through the years health has been a growing concern, so people have been trying to improve health in many ways. My magazine focuses on the health benefits of trying outdoor activities to improve health through a way that can be fun and exciting. 


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