CCR Question #2 Draft

CCR Question #2

2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
  • My magazine audience is similar to many of the other magazines I've examined. My magazines audience would be a range of ages with it mainly being from 10-50+ as the magazine has a focus on health and has to be of basic knowledge to understand. With this, the gender could be either depending on what they have an interest in. In my magazine some of the outdoors activities covered are longboarding, rollerskating, and rollerblading so mainly inclusive activities. The target audience would be those interested in the topic, which is outdoors and outdoors activities/hobbies. Some of the magazines I drew inspiration from with similar audience would be Racquet, Outdoors, and Huck. Racquet was one of the main ones I leaned toward. Their magazine is new and polished and as an updated magazine it brings in a new audience. It offers creativity and clever ideas to show its focus off in many ways to draw in the target audience. It shows their activity in a kind of trendy and pop way that makes it seem more modern and for an optimistic audience willing to try something new. The only difference between our magazines is that Racquet has a certain audience they appeal to and don't expand to a wide audience as their magazine tells only about that specific sport. While my magazine goes into a variety of different outdoor activities and hobbies. But this appeal to one thing isn't bad, my magazine could still bring in an audience who has an interest for only one of the hobbies I explain, or the many others. All three magazines I researched have some kind of social media to connect with their audience, this is something I would do with my magazine also. They use a website to have a digital platform to broaden their spectrum for audience to have access to. A website would be a great way to connect with audience and constantly keep the magazine up-to-date on trends or topics to keep a good flow of new audience. The social medias can range from Instagram to Facebook where the magazine can share photos and get replies from the people interested. This is a great way to feel engaged with the magazines audience and get more people to see and get an interest in the topics. With the growth of social media its a definite way to gain a following for the magazine and possibly having the magazine become trending. I think marketing my magazine to audience would have a variety of ways to suit everyone. I would have a physical copy of the magazine that would be more those who don't have access to the internet or just like having a copy to keep with them. Also, the website would offer a digital platform for audience who mainly use the internet to see and access the magazine by possibly subscription and online articles. On this website I could link to multiple social media platforms to also advertise the magazine to the online audience and bring in even more of a following. I think the physical copies would appeal to the older audience who haven't been using the internet for a long time but still would like the magazine. And the website and social media would appeal to the younger to middle age audience who have easy access to internet and the magazine online to enjoy. When it comes to distributed, I would draw alot of inspiration from magazines who have have successful and similar distribution plans. For example one magazine I researched was Caddie, it is a outdoor magazine focusing on golf and they distribute their magazine in a few ways. They have a physical copy of their magazine that they distribute to places like Dicks sporting goods or other sports stores where those interested in the genre can see it. I would draw inspiration from this and put my magazine in a store that also has the same genre and with outdoor activities it would share similar locations to Caddie's magazine. Another example is the magazine Another escape. This magazine is an independently run magazine that has sponsorship's with other magazines with the same genre and products that also relate to their topic.I think this is a great way to get the magazines name out as the products their magazines sponsor also sponsor them back. Also, as an independent magazine they can run everything how they want it and choose which sponsorship's to take. I would definitely follow their example in running independently but having sponsorship's with brands and other aspiring magazines to help grow following and distribute more magazines. Many of the magazines I saw had small teams running different parts of the magazine and offered volunteers interested in the topics to write articles and send photos for the magazine, I would implement this to have the magazine running smoothly and have the community share their interest and ideas. From the distribution plans of these other magazines, I've formed a distribution plan that I think would work for my magazine. Mainly I would run my magazine independently, possibly with a team of trusted workers that could take on different roles in the magazine like publisher and editor. I would take on sponsorship's with brands that share the same genre and connect with other magazines through sponsorship to get the magazines name out. To keep the magazine up on competition I would stay updated and keep with the new trends. I would use both physical and online copies to suit a wide range of audience and distribute accordingly. My traditional distribution would consist of a physical copy of the magazine that would be distributed to stores that have a similar genre. Places like Dick's Sporting Goods or Play It Again Sports on a magazine rack where people can see it and pick it up if they are interested in it. Digitally I would have a website where audience can subscribe to see online magazine articles and also a store on the sight where products with the magazines logo can be bought. And I would use social media to distribute by posting about the magazine and having a link that leads to the magazines main website. I think my implementing this distribution plan the magazine can get a following and new audience to see and take interest in the magazine. 


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