CCR Question #3 Draft

CCR Question #3
3. How did your production skills develop throughout the process?

  • At first it was sort of difficult and overwhelming. But as I started to plan things out the project seemed more organized and I was able to develop things the way I wanted. When starting the production of this project I had to figure out exactly what I was trying to produce. I settled on a topic which I was knowledgeable in, which was outdoor hobbies/activities. I knew that going outdoors and trying something knew was fun and beneficial, and I wanted to demonstrate that in my project. So knowing what my goal was I went to a location that revolved around outdoors. Benderson Park was the location I really wanted to get some shots at for the magazine. But there were some complications with the model being able to meet up at the desired location. For a few of my photos I had the model use some of the outdoor equipment down the street near my house. It had good scenery, but it didn't have the same meaning as going to this park that was made for outdoor enjoyment. I got a few photos on my iPhone and they weren't bad photos, but I just needed better shots. So I told the model i'd reschedule so we could go to the park the next time they were available and get the rest of the photos there. We were finally able to work something out and completed the photo shoot at Benderson Park and I was satisfied with the photos I got there, its even where I got my cover photo. I made sure to try to get as many different shots in varied angles and locations. I had to direct the model around the locations and describe exactly what pose I wanted them to do. I would knit pick a little at the stance or the feet to get the model in the perfect position. The model was open to listening and the photo shoot went smoothly and I got some good photos. I didn't struggle much with using the iPhone camera as I've been using it for a long time. But the problem was that the battery life would run out quickly and that made it tricky to get pictures before the battery died. The model had brought their own clothes and I had described exactly what I was looking for. The all black to add the mysteriousness and the model wasn't that comfortable showing their face, but it still worked out because the model could represent anyone doing an outdoor activity. Through all these challenges i've learned a great number of things and I believe my production skills developed a lot. I'm more organized with things and better at describing exactly what i'm looking for. It was a bit tough at times but I think i'm starting to form my final product.


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