Planning Activities- Table of Contents Template

For my table of contents I want it to be clean and right to the point. I want people to be able to look at it and clearly understand what page goes where and what you'll find under than particular page. My font for the title Table of Contents is a bold Broadway to add a bit of a clean and fancy look to make it pop. The numbers are size 20 Broadway font also to make them stand out a bit more than the words. The articles/pages are in a Birch size 18 font bold to give them emphasis but are secondary to the numbers which pop out more. I'm only going to use one photo in the upper right corner under the division of the title and content. The reason for this is that I don't want to take up too much space on the table of contents, I want all the information to have room and then the photo adds interest. I plan on making it more refined in the final product but as for a rough draft this is somewhat my idea for it. I took inspiration from the magazines I previously read and the tabl...