Magazine Genre Research 5 Travel+Leisure

Because i'll be going outdoors I checked out the magazine 'Travel+Leisure' and its mainly about nature and places to visit and things to do. Though it may not directly talk about outdoor fitness, with nature comes outdoor activity. The cover is of a beautiful scene with fields and plants growing, it is soothing and pleasing to the eye and offers a good idea of what to expect while reading. The text has an interesting design that leads your eye across it so you see the whole image. The text is orange and black which compliment the background with a kind of fall look. The front is not too overwhelming and offers just enough to interest you into checking it out. The articles inside talk about the experiences of someone who has traveled as well as where to stay or eat if you travel. They offer articles about healthy food that can be prepared when on a trip, and activities such as skiing or hiking. The ads consist of healthy pet food, fitness clothes, and credit cards to purchase to make these trips. The contents page has an image of wine barrels, and from that you can tell that food and drinks are going to be important in travel. Also, they have many amazing images of scenery, nature, or outdoor activities that give a good idea of what to expect. The ad's images are of neatly designed food plates and of models in fitness clothes. The magazine has 4.8 million readers and the circulation is around 950,000 but is going up everyday. The magazine hosts worlds best awards and gives credit to places that it finds to be the best. The magazine is one of the most popular travel magazines and is very respected with its beautiful imagery and interesting articles.


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