Planning Activities- Interviews/Questions

I plan on doing an outdoor activities magazine so the activities I choose need to have some experience behind them. So some of the ones I chose or was thinking of choosing was rollerskating, rollerblading, long boarding, and biking. I plan on interviewing some of my family members who do the activities, like my mom who bikes a lot. Also to interview my friend who is new to skating and can offer an outsiders view on the idea of beginning it. I've been rollerskating and long boarding for years so I plan on giving some advice and ideas from my experiences doing it. I will possibly be doing an in-depth article on how I started and why its such a fun and engaging activity. I've already spoken to many of the people who do the things I plan to interview on and already have many ideas on articles i can make. A few questions I've asked, or planned on asking, are around the lines of.

  • Why would you start doing an outdoor activity?

Answer from friend: "I would start an outdoor activity to get in shape and just get more active."

  • What is the best reward of doing an outdoor activity?
Answer from friend: "I guess meeting new people and just overall having a good time, just picking up something you have an interest in and doing it."

  • How do you think outdoor activities effect you?
Answer from friend: "I think you have a lot to gain, like possible health benefits and you overall just feel better internally and about yourself, it honestly helps you get engaged and your confidence increases.

  • How do you start doing an activity?
Answer: "You just think about what you really want to try and then take steps towards doing it. For instance, rollerskating for me, I started going to a roller rink and thats when I first put on skates. I was pretty bad at first but overtime I just kept going and improving. It takes effort and room for growth is always ahead of you. over all its just fun to be productive and do something you enjoy."

  • Where do I get the equipment to start doing that activity?
Answer: "Its best to start small and work your way up. I started on roller skates I could only acquire from a rink. but when it comes to other activities such as long boarding or biking i'd say get an affordable piece. Mostly shop at affordable and trustworthy places and its also good to have recommendations on equipment other people and used and liked."

  • Why should I start doing an outdoor activity?
Answer: "I think starting an outdoor activity is fun, but when I first started I didn't think of anything. I just decided I wanted to try it and did it. But some reasons I kept at it were for the joy of it and it raised my overall confidence and athleticism. I felt good that I had a hobby to put my time into and something I was somewhat good at and could keep improving upon. It offers health benefits also, you stay fit and feel better when you do it. I've also met many nice people through my hobby of skating."

I have scheduled many other interviews with others but this is an example of what i'm going for. I think these questions relate to the points i'm trying to get across that relate to the activities I've chosen. They offer information to those who aren't that has expedience in the activities and some questions others may have for someone who has some experience in the activities. I wanted to give both an outside and inside view on it to give some depth and add ideas to it. I want people to really think about picking up an activity or at least find an interest in what they will learn about.


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