Planning Activities- Cover Design Template
For the cover I have planned to call the magazine 'SOAR' and to me that means freedom and feeling as if your flying. And in this magazine i'll be covering many outdoor activities like rollerskating, rollerblading, long boarding, and possibly biking too. I want the title SOAR to really pop so I used the bold elephant font to give it emphasis. Also my choice for the cover photo taking up the whole background was from some sports and outdoor magazines I looked at. They mainly focus on the whole picture and sometimes don't even have a main model or face on the cover which is kind of what i'm leaning towards. I want to make the focus of the magazine on the outdoor activities and how they are enjoyable and offer health benefits. The articles I do plan on adding is getting in shape with outdoor activities as I put as one of my articles on the cover. I used a bold font that is a bit smaller than the main title but still draws your eye to it. Also, The joys of skating as another article and it also states under is where to buy. I used impact on the first part and smaller cursive on where to buy to add on if the person planning to try the activity doesn't yet have the skates. The last article on the cover is health benefits and I used a cursive font because I see health benefits always being used as a fancy sort of thing and a main reason people want to try doing outdoor activities. The final product will be a lot more defined and i'll possibly have the figure in the image somewhat overlap the title.
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