Magazine Genre Research 3 VailValley

In the magazine 'Vail Valley' it is about the outdoor activities you can do, and it ranges from camping to hiking and other things. On the front of the magazine there is a women who is in a river holding a fish she has just caught, it states her name and that she is a women who enjoys fishing and is one of many. This photo has action that makes it look alive and the women inspires people and shows that she enjoys going outside and doing exciting things. The font is mostly the same color with no overlapping giving it a clean and refined look that doesn't force you to look at so many different elaborate headings . The inside articles are mainly about where you can go and how you can enjoy outside activities. It offers articles on what to eat and how to prepare it as well as open places to camp of take a vacation. The photos give a good idea of how beautiful nature is as they show many different places with amazing architecture and views, as well as healthy food that inspires people to create. Some of the separate articles are about house design and art and the ads mostly are athletic clothes, shoes, and food products. The font inside is not too distracting and the pages have a certain point that comes across. The magazine has a circulation of about 72,000 and is a good guide for those wanting to go outside and vacation. They are not that wide spread but are the leading in nature and travel as well as being one of the main magazines read in vail valley.


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