Audience Engagement Research - Huck

For Huck's target audience they relate to somewhat of a younger, teen range, audience rather than an older one. The age range i'd have to say would be around 13-30 years old, because their topics are more relating to the current younger generations. But It still relates to my magazine audience since mine also can relate to the younger audience since it has similar topics like skating and outdoor sports activities. Huck can lean towards any gender, male or female, but possibly more males would read this specific magazine as it has many rugged topics. For my magazine it may have a mix of both genders, and may lean either way depending on the topic at hand. Education and income wise, it doesn't matter much as long as they are able to somewhat understand the material, sometimes seriously material in Huck like activism. For my magazine the level of both income and education wouldn't matter much also, just enough to know to be safe while using outdoor equipment. 
Also, our audience has somewhat the same kind of interest. Huck is about outdoor activities and more, just like my magazine is about. They discuss outdoor things and the many things relating to it, as well as expanding to other topics but still maintaining the ideas. The audience enjoy the topics Huck puts forward with its topics of skating and more, and my magazine would also capture audience who enjoy skating and other activities. Huck uses a persuasive technique of having a popular topic and the want of people to fit in or share this interest. They take trending topics or ideas and make them into their own thing relating to their magazine. The magazine is branded as a trendy kind of teen magazine mostly for a older range audience. They use conflicting and inspiring topics to bring in the audience who may have opinions on both sides. I would use a similar type of persuading, as to have things in my magazine that would make people think of all the options. Also to want to try something because everyone else is doing it.

Huck has an online platform website to post their media to the online public. They have an easy layout to navigate and many options to pick from on the front page. Providing a kind of menu bar to find exactly what your looking for, either it be to read an article or just learn more about the magazine and various other things. At the bottom they clearly put their social media platforms and if clicked on will take the user to the platform. Everything is clearly there and they market it all quite well, the colors on the cite pop and its very clean. With this website they can market their magazine by having it be purchased online and spread by social media by the magazine itself or by others who share it. My marketing would be very similar as to have a website and make it as easy to navigate and use as possible. Also, taking advantage of advertising social media links on the website to get people to many others places where the magazine is also shared. Huck also has physical copies of its magazines and markets to the audience of people who don't use the internet often. Putting magazines in shops and places where people will see them and pick them up to market. My magazine would also have physical copies so that again the audience can be extended to not only the digital word but the physical also.

Huck Magazine has more than one social media platform, each has a different audience and follower count. On each social media account they advertise and market their magazine with a link to their main magazine website. With social media they are given options to communicate with the audience and also receive private messages, possibly from those interested in funding or marketing their magazine. Social media marketing consists of posting pictures of the magazines brand and photos relating to it, the audience can then share what they liked about the magazines post. With this, there is a kind of advertising of the magazine with the audience sharing the magazine to more people that may gain an interest in it. Huck also has a YouTube, this is where they post videos and gain ad revenue. What they post consists of videos of their related topics such as skating and more. My magazine would utilize every social media platform to get the maximum audience who have access to the internet. Taking advantage of the popular use of social media and marketing my brand and magazine on it.  


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