Feedback and Revisions

When it comes to revising, there were a few things that I wanted to fix up. Firstly, my cover of the magazine looked a little bare before hand before I added the black boarder and overall changed the placement of my articles to frame the figure in the middle. I may end up adding a bit more color to certain titles to make it eye-catching and have more of am emphasis. My table of contents was difficult to revise as i've gone over it more than three times. I changed it from alot of text and one photo to two photos and cut down the text in to certain topic groups. I learned that putting too much text on the table of context could be a bit confusing so I attempted to cut it down and make it easier to guide through. With the articles I plan to add more colors of text and possibly change up many of the fonts to add more diversity but still have it look like its from the same magazine. I added many photos, not enough to make it too cluttered, but just to show exactly what i'd be talking about. I plan to mostly fix fonts, styles, and color hopefully to improve the overall effect of the paper creating an aesthetic kind of magazine page. These will improve the overall look of the magazine to make a clean and refined look. I will most likely carry these out little by little, and while I make changes look for more ways to improve the magazine. Hopefully I can make a magazine that has interest and draws the audience in to my topic and genre.


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