Use of Conventions

My magazine uses the conventions of the genre to get a point or a certain view across. So by utilizing the genre, in my case outdoor activities or sports, it offers many ways to branch off and connect it to the original. I chose to use this kind of genre to show many different hobbies and activities, as well as adding on health benefits and other things that may connect to the genre of outdoors. By using this i'm able to convey my ideas and certain products to readers, and it relates to a certain group of people. When I chose outdoor activities I though mainly about how I would bring up health and just overall getting outdoors. So it could mainly point towards today's society of obesity and the growing number of people with no activities in their life to do. So by using this genre it also relates to certain social issues/groups such as health and motivation. To conclude, the use of certain genres and overall points can relate to many important topics in society. So by branching off and using the conventions of such, it is a way to utilize this to reach an audience tied to these issues.


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