Revision #1

My original version of the cover felt bare and not very full or colorful. So I took my own advice and worked to make the cover more eye-catching and has a kind of pop. My main revisions were the font, text color, and adding more article titles to fill the magazine. With fonts, I tried to use ones that all matched in a way to create an aesthetic looking cover, no unprofessional fonts. With colors like blue, white, or black that fit the kind of muted colors of my background again for aesthetic purposes. There was also bolding of the main article titles and certain words for impact. Most of my smaller text is in italics as to not distract the reader and just as a small bit of information accompanying my article. I wanted to use all my space well as to make it look like a real magazine cover, where they use all the space they can. I think this is definitely an improvement from my original ideas for the cover, it could be revised again in the future. But, for now i'm satisfied with how it looks and my use of colors and fonts. 


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