Mid-term Submission

Cover Overall I re-worked alot of things from my original plan and added more variety in text and text color. The cover photo is of a low angle wideshot of a figure in a black hoodie and black rollerskates. An all-black outfit adds a bit of mystery and allows the background colors to pop as well as making the main focus the dark figure in front. The rollerskates are showing off one of the topics that will be covered in the magazine and the blue wheels of the skates are a nice touch. The pose is like a restless or wondering look into the unknown and what lies ahead. I made the choice of putting a boarder on my cover to add interest to it. The title 'SOAR' I used bold Elephant font in black to make it stand out, I also made the choice to space out the lettering to make it fill the cover and not be so crammed together. I chose SOAR due to thinking of flying or reaching far away goals and just going out there and just reaching for what you want. The quote-like text under it ...